Publications 2012

330 publications

rsEGFP2 enables fast RESOLFT nanoscopy of living cells.
Grotjohann T, Testa I, Reuss M, ..., Hell SW, Jakobs S
Elife 1 (-) e00248 [2012-12-31; online 2012-12-31]
Affiliated researcher
Automated genotyping of biobank samples by multiplex amplification of insertion/deletion polymorphisms.
Mathot L, Falk-Sörqvist E, Moens L, ..., Sjöblom T, Nilsson M
PLoS ONE 7 (12) e52750 [2012-12-27; online 2012-12-27]
Affiliated researcher
Powerful identification of cis-regulatory SNPs in human primary monocytes using allele-specific gene expression.
Almlöf JC, Lundmark P, Lundmark A, ..., Cambien F, Syvänen AC
PLoS ONE 7 (12) e52260 [2012-12-26; online 2012-12-26]
Affiliated researcher
The Evolutionary Landscape of Alternative Splicing in Vertebrate Species
Barbosa-Morais NL, Irimia M, Pan Q, ..., Frey BJ, Blencowe BJ
Science 338 (6114) 1587-1593 [2012-12-21; online 2012-12-20]
Claudia Kutter SciLifeLab Fellow
Distinct modes of DNA accessibility in plant chromatin.
Shu H, Wildhaber T, Siretskiy A, Gruissem W, Hennig L
Nat Commun 3 (-) 1281 [2012-12-13; online 2012-12-13]
Affiliated researcher
A noncanonical postsynaptic transport route for a GPCR belonging to the serotonin receptor family.
Liebmann T, Kruusmägi M, Sourial-Bassillious N, ..., Brismar H, Aperia A
J. Neurosci. 32 (50) 17998-18008 [2012-12-12; online 2012-12-15]
Affiliated researcher
Visualization of custom-tailored iron oxide nanoparticles chemistry, uptake, and toxicity.
Wilkinson K, Ekstrand-Hammarström B, Ahlinder L, ..., Seisenbaeva GA, Kessler VG
Nanoscale 4 (23) 7383-7393 [2012-12-07; online 2012-10-17]
Affiliated researcher
Genome-wide association study for circulating levels of PAI-1 provides novel insights into its regulation.
Huang J, Sabater-Lleal M, Asselbergs FW, ..., O'Donnell CJ, Hamsten A
Blood 120 (24) 4873-4881 [2012-12-06; online 2012-09-18]
Affiliated researcher
Sonic Hedgehog-signalling patterns the developing chicken comb as revealed by exploration of the pea-comb mutation.
Boije H, Harun-Or-Rashid M, Lee YJ, ..., Andersson L, Hallböök F
PLoS ONE 7 (12) e50890 [2012-12-05; online 2012-12-05]
Affiliated researcher
In vitro oxidative inactivation of human presequence protease (hPreP).
Teixeira PF, Pinho CM, Branca RM, ..., Levine RL, Glaser E
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 53 (11) 2188-2195 [2012-12-01; online 2012-10-03]
Affiliated researcher
Minimally invasive mandibular bone augmentation using injectable hydrogels.
Martínez-Sanz E, Varghese OP, Kisiel M, ..., Ossipov DA, Hilborn J
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 6 Suppl 3 (-) s15-s23 [2012-12-00; online 2012-09-03]
Affiliated researcher
Lost in presumption: stochastic reactions in spatial models.
Mahmutovic A, Fange D, Berg OG, Elf J
Nat. Methods 9 (12) 1163-1166 [2012-12-00; online 2012-12-12]
Affiliated researcher
High-resolution mapping of linear antibody epitopes using ultrahigh-density peptide microarrays.
Buus S, Rockberg J, Forsström B, ..., Uhlen M, Schafer-Nielsen C
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (12) 1790-1800 [2012-12-00; online 2012-09-13]
Affiliated researcher
Evidence of a functional estrogen receptor in parathyroid adenomas.
Haglund F, Ma R, Huss M, ..., Hartman J, Larsson C
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 97 (12) 4631-4639 [2012-12-00; online 2012-09-28]
Affiliated researcher
An emerging consensus on voltage-dependent gating from computational modeling and molecular dynamics simulations.
Vargas E, Yarov-Yarovoy V, Khalili-Araghi F, ..., Bezanilla F, Roux B
J. Gen. Physiol. 140 (6) 587-594 [2012-12-00; online 2012-11-28]
Affiliated researcher
Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs
Curtis BA, Tanifuji G, Burki F, ..., Grigoriev IV, Archibald JM
Nature 492 (7427) 59-65 [2012-12-00; online 2012-11-28]
Fabien Burki SciLifeLab Fellow
The dyslexia candidate locus on 2p12 is associated with general cognitive ability and white matter structure.
Scerri TS, Darki F, Newbury DF, ..., Klingberg T, Paracchini S
PLoS ONE 7 (11) e50321 [2012-11-28; online 2012-11-28]
Affiliated researcher
Strong signatures of selection in the domestic pig genome.
Rubin CJ, Megens HJ, Martinez Barrio A, ..., Groenen MA, Andersson L
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 (48) 19529-19536 [2012-11-27; online 2012-11-14]
Affiliated researcher
Inertial microfluidics in parallel channels for high-throughput applications.
Hansson J, Karlsson JM, Haraldsson T, ..., van der Wijngaart W, Russom A
Lab Chip 12 (22) 4644-4650 [2012-11-21; online 2012-08-30]
Affiliated researcher
Population-scale sequencing reveals genetic differentiation due to local adaptation in Atlantic herring.
Lamichhaney S, Martinez Barrio A, Rafati N, ..., Ryman N, Andersson L
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 (47) 19345-19350 [2012-11-20; online 2012-11-07]
Affiliated researcher
CD99 is a novel prognostic stromal marker in non-small cell lung cancer.
Edlund K, Lindskog C, Saito A, ..., Ostman A, Micke P
Int. J. Cancer 131 (10) 2264-2273 [2012-11-15; online 2012-04-24]
Affiliated researcher
Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution.
Groenen MA, Archibald AL, Uenishi H, ..., Churcher C, Schook LB
Nature 491 (7424) 393-398 [2012-11-15; online 2012-11-16]
Affiliated researcher
The phosphoproteome of the adenovirus type 2 virion.
Bergström Lind S, Artemenko KA, Elfineh L, ..., Bergquist J, Pettersson U
Virology 433 (1) 253-261 [2012-11-10; online 2012-08-28]
Affiliated researcher
Library preparation and multiplex capture for massive parallel sequencing applications made efficient and easy.
Neiman M, Sundling S, Grönberg H, ..., Lindberg J, Klevebring D
PLoS ONE 7 (11) e48616 [2012-11-05; online 2012-11-05]
Affiliated researcher
Selective detection of bacterial layers with terahertz plasmonic antennas.
Berrier A, Schaafsma MC, Nonglaton G, Bergquist J, Rivas JG
Biomed Opt Express 3 (11) 2937-2949 [2012-11-01; online 2012-10-23]
Affiliated researcher
The genome of the heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, reveals drug and vaccine targets.
Godel C, Kumar S, Koutsovoulos G, ..., Blaxter M, Mäser P
FASEB J. 26 (11) 4650-4661 [2012-11-00; online 2012-08-13]
Affiliated researcher
OLM interneurons differentially modulate CA3 and entorhinal inputs to hippocampal CA1 neurons.
Leão RN, Mikulovic S, Leão KE, ..., Tort AB, Kullander K
Nat. Neurosci. 15 (11) 1524-1530 [2012-11-00; online 2012-10-07]
Affiliated researcher
Biological aspects of postpartum depression.
Skalkidou A, Hellgren C, Comasco E, Sylvén S, Sundström Poromaa I
Womens Health (Lond) 8 (6) 659-672 [2012-11-00; online 2012-11-28]
Erika Comasco SciLifeLab Fellow
Comparison of total and cytoplasmic mRNA reveals global regulation by nuclear retention and miRNAs.
Solnestam BW, Stranneheim H, Hällman J, ..., Lundeberg J, Akan P
BMC Genomics 13 (-) 574 [2012-10-30; online 2012-10-30]
Affiliated researcher
DNA origami delivery system for cancer therapy with tunable release properties.
Zhao Y, Shaw A, Zeng X, ..., Nyström AM, Högberg B
ACS Nano 6 (10) 8684-8691 [2012-10-23; online 2012-09-13]
Erik Benson SciLifeLab Fellow
Genomic variation in seven Khoe-San groups reveals adaptation and complex African history.
Schlebusch CM, Skoglund P, Sjödin P, ..., Soodyall H, Jakobsson M
Science 338 (6105) 374-379 [2012-10-19; online 2012-09-20]
Affiliated researcher
Dual Effect of Phosphatidyl (4,5)-Bisphosphate PIP2on Shaker K+Channels
Abderemane-Ali F, Es-Salah-Lamoureux Z, Delemotte L, ..., Baró I, Loussouarn G
J. Biol. Chem. 287 (43) 36158-36167 [2012-10-19; online 2012-08-29]
Lucie Delemotte SciLifeLab Fellow
Molecular mechanism for the dual alcohol modulation of Cys-loop receptors.
Murail S, Howard RJ, Broemstrup T, ..., Trudell JR, Lindahl E
PLoS Comput Biol 8 (10) e1002710 [2012-10-04; online 2012-10-04]
Affiliated researcher
Molecular-Level Characterization of Lipid Membrane Electroporation using Linearly Rising Current
Kramar P, Delemotte L, Maček Lebar A, ..., Tarek M, Miklavčič D
J Membrane Biol 245 (10) 651-659 [2012-10-00; online 2012-08-11]
Lucie Delemotte SciLifeLab Fellow
Expansion of transducin subunit gene families in early vertebrate tetraploidizations.
Lagman D, Sundström G, Ocampo Daza D, Abalo XM, Larhammar D
Genomics 100 (4) 203-211 [2012-10-00; online 2012-07-17]
Affiliated researcher
Chemosensory proteins, major salivary factors in caterpillar mandibular glands.
Celorio-Mancera Mde L, Sundmalm SM, Vogel H, ..., Zubarev RA, Janz N
Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 42 (10) 796-805 [2012-10-00; online 2012-08-04]
Affiliated researcher
Application of split-green fluorescent protein for topology mapping membrane proteins in Escherichia coli.
Toddo S, Söderström B, Palombo I, ..., Nørholm MH, Daley DO
Protein Sci. 21 (10) 1571-1576 [2012-10-00; online 2012-08-21]
Affiliated researcher
Critical assessment of rhBMP-2 mediated bone induction: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation.
Kisiel M, Ventura M, Oommen OP, ..., Hilborn J, Varghese OP
J Control Release 162 (3) 646-653 [2012-09-28; online 2012-08-10]
Affiliated researcher
Elevated MARK2-dependent phosphorylation of Tau in Alzheimer's disease.
Gu GJ, Wu D, Lund H, ..., Landegren U, Kamali-Moghaddam M
J. Alzheimers Dis. 33 (3) 699-713 [2012-09-25; online 2012-09-25]
Affiliated researcher
Molecular tools for companion diagnostics.
Zieba A, Grannas K, Söderberg O, ..., Nilsson M, Landegren U
N Biotechnol 29 (6) 634-640 [2012-09-15; online 2012-05-24]
Affiliated researcher
Evolutionary conservation of the ribosomal biogenesis factor Rbm19/Mrd1: implications for function.
Kallberg Y, Segerstolpe Å, Lackmann F, Persson B, Wieslander L
PLoS ONE 7 (9) e43786 [2012-09-12; online 2012-09-12]
Affiliated researcher
Network enrichment analysis: extension of gene-set enrichment analysis to gene networks.
Alexeyenko A, Lee W, Pernemalm M, ..., Lehtiö J, Pawitan Y
BMC Bioinformatics 13 (-) 226 [2012-09-11; online 2012-09-11]
Affiliated researcher
Identification of candidate SNPs for drug induced toxicity from differentially expressed genes in associated tissues.
Hasmats J, Kupershmidt I, Rodríguez-Antona C, ..., Lundeberg J, Green H
Gene 506 (1) 62-68 [2012-09-10; online 2012-07-01]
Affiliated researcher
Vascular adaptation to a dysfunctional endothelium as a consequence of Shb deficiency.
Christoffersson G, Zang G, Zhuang ZW, ..., Phillipson M, Welsh M
Angiogenesis 15 (3) 469-480 [2012-09-00; online 2012-05-05]
Gustaf Christoffersson SciLifeLab Fellow
The evolution of filamin-a protein domain repeat perspective.
Light S, Sagit R, Ithychanda SS, Qin J, Elofsson A
J. Struct. Biol. 179 (3) 289-298 [2012-09-00; online 2012-03-10]
Affiliated researcher
The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes
Adl SM, Simpson AGB, Lane CE, ..., Smirnov A, Spiegel FW
J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 59 (5) 429-514 [2012-09-00; online 2012-09-28]
Fabien Burki SciLifeLab Fellow
Stepping stones in DNA sequencing.
Stranneheim H, Lundeberg J
Biotechnol J 7 (9) 1063-1073 [2012-09-00; online 2012-08-08]
Affiliated researcher
Positive allosteric feedback regulation of the stringent response enzyme RelA by its product.
Shyp V, Tankov S, Ermakov A, ..., Elf J, Hauryliuk V
EMBO Rep. 13 (9) 835-839 [2012-09-00; online 2012-07-20]
Affiliated researcher
Nanoscopy of Living Brain Slices with Low Light Levels
Testa I, Urban NT, Jakobs S, ..., Willig KI, Hell SW
Neuron 75 (6) 992-1000 [2012-09-00; online 2012-09-00]
Ilaria Testa SciLifeLab Fellow
IQGAP1 regulates hyaluronan-mediated fibroblast motility and proliferation.
Kozlova I, Ruusala A, Voytyuk O, Skandalis SS, Heldin P
Cell. Signal. 24 (9) 1856-1862 [2012-09-00; online 2012-05-22]
Affiliated researcher
Molecular correlates and prognostic significance of SATB1 expression in colorectal cancer.
Nodin B, Johannesson H, Wangefjord S, ..., Jirström K, Eberhard J
Diagn Pathol 7 (-) 115 [2012-08-30; online 2012-08-30]
Affiliated researcher
Genome-wide polyadenylation site mapping.
Pelechano V, Wilkening S, Järvelin AI, Tekkedil MM, Steinmetz LM
Meth. Enzymol. 513 (-) 271-296 [2012-08-30; online 2012-08-30]
SciLifeLab Fellow Vicent Pelechano
Novel origins of copy number variation in the dog genome.
Berglund J, Nevalainen EM, Molin AM, ..., Lohi H, Webster MT
Genome Biol. 13 (8) R73 [2012-08-23; online 2012-08-23]
Affiliated researcher
Large-Scale Identification of MicroRNA Targets in Murine Dgcr8-Deficient Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
Davis MPA, Abreu-Goodger C, van Dongen S, ..., Enright AJ, Dunham I
PLoS ONE 7 (8) e41762 [2012-08-17; online 2012-08-17]
Claudia Kutter SciLifeLab Fellow
Regulatory polymorphisms in β-tubulin IIa are associated with paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Leandro-García LJ, Leskelä S, Jara C, ..., Robledo M, Rodríguez-Antona C
Clin. Cancer Res. 18 (16) 4441-4448 [2012-08-15; online 2012-06-20]
Affiliated researcher
Proteomic screen reveals Fbw7 as a modulator of the NF-κB pathway.
Arabi A, Ullah K, Branca RM, ..., Lehtiö J, Sangfelt O
Nat Commun 3 (-) 976 [2012-08-07; online 2012-08-07]
Affiliated researcher
Platelet-derived growth factor over-expression in retinal progenitors results in abnormal retinal vessel formation.
Edqvist PH, Niklasson M, Vidal-Sanz M, Hallböök F, Forsberg-Nilsson K
PLoS ONE 7 (8) e42488 [2012-08-03; online 2012-08-03]
Affiliated researcher
Copy number expansion of the STX17 duplication in melanoma tissue from Grey horses.
Sundström E, Imsland F, Mikko S, ..., Lindblad-Toh K, Andersson L
BMC Genomics 13 (-) 365 [2012-08-02; online 2012-08-02]
Affiliated researcher
Long noncoding RNA-mediated maintenance of DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing.
Mohammad F, Pandey GK, Mondal T, ..., Gyllensten U, Kanduri C
Development 139 (15) 2792-2803 [2012-08-00; online 2012-06-21]
Affiliated researcher
Intractable epilepsy of infancy due to homozygous mutation in the EFHC1 gene.
Berger I, Dor T, Halvardson J, ..., Feuk L, Elpeleg O
Epilepsia 53 (8) 1436-1440 [2012-08-00; online 2012-06-12]
Affiliated researcher
From where did the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera) originate?
Han F, Wallberg A, Webster MT
Ecol Evol 2 (8) 1949-1957 [2012-08-00; online 2012-07-12]
Affiliated researcher
A-to-I editing of microRNAs in the mammalian brain increases during development.
Ekdahl Y, Farahani HS, Behm M, Lagergren J, Öhman M
Genome Res. 22 (8) 1477-1487 [2012-08-00; online 2012-05-29]
Affiliated researcher
A guideline to proteome-wide α-helical membrane protein topology predictions.
Tsirigos KD, Hennerdal A, Käll L, Elofsson A
Proteomics 12 (14) 2282-2294 [2012-08-00; online 2012-06-12]
Affiliated researcher
Antiparallel dimers of the small multidrug resistance protein EmrE are more stable than parallel dimers.
Lloris-Garcerá P, Bianchi F, Slusky JS, ..., Daley DO, von Heijne G
J. Biol. Chem. 287 (31) 26052-26059 [2012-07-27; online 2012-06-14]
Affiliated researcher
Rapid Turnover of Long Noncoding RNAs and the Evolution of Gene Expression
Kutter C, Watt S, Stefflova K, ..., Odom DT, Marques AC
PLoS Genet 8 (7) e1002841 [2012-07-26; online 2012-07-26]
Claudia Kutter SciLifeLab Fellow
Sensitive detection of spores using volume-amplified magnetic nanobeads.
Gómez de la Torre TZ, Ke R, Mezger A, ..., Strømme M, Nilsson M
Small 8 (14) 2174-2177 [2012-07-23; online 2012-04-19]
Affiliated researcher
Coexistence of phases in a protein heterodimer.
Krokhotin A, Liwo A, Niemi AJ, Scheraga HA
J Chem Phys 137 (3) 035101 [2012-07-21; online 2012-07-27]
Affiliated researcher
Evidence of inbreeding depression on human height.
McQuillan R, Eklund N, Pirastu N, ..., Wilson JF, ROHgen Consortium
PLoS Genet 8 (7) e1002655 [2012-07-19; online 2012-07-19]
Affiliated researcher
Profiling cellular protein complexes by proximity ligation with dual tag microarray readout.
Hammond M, Nong RY, Ericsson O, Pardali K, Landegren U
PLoS ONE 7 (7) e40405 [2012-07-10; online 2012-07-10]
Affiliated researcher
Regulation of EMT by TGFβ in cancer.
Heldin CH, Vanlandewijck M, Moustakas A
FEBS Lett. 586 (14) 1959-1970 [2012-07-04; online 2012-02-28]
Affiliated researcher
Next generation RNA-sequencing in prognostic subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Mansouri L, Gunnarsson R, Sutton LA, ..., Gyllensten U, Rosenquist R
Am. J. Hematol. 87 (7) 737-740 [2012-07-00; online 2012-06-03]
Affiliated researcher
Microsatellite genotyping reveals end-Pleistocene decline in mammoth autosomal genetic variation.
Nyström V, Humphrey J, Skoglund P, ..., Lister A, Dalén L
Mol. Ecol. 21 (14) 3391-3402 [2012-07-00; online 2012-03-23]
Affiliated researcher
Macropinocytosis of the PDGF β-receptor promotes fibroblast transformation by H-RasG12V.
Schmees C, Villaseñor R, Zheng W, ..., Heldin CH, Hellberg C
Mol. Biol. Cell 23 (13) 2571-2582 [2012-07-00; online 2012-05-09]
Affiliated researcher
The lac repressor displays facilitated diffusion in living cells.
Hammar P, Leroy P, Mahmutovic A, ..., Berg OG, Elf J
Science 336 (6088) 1595-1598 [2012-06-22; online 2012-06-23]
Affiliated researcher
Proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in a fulminant case of multiple sclerosis.
Füvesi J, Hanrieder J, Bencsik K, ..., Vécsei L, Bergquist J
Int J Mol Sci 13 (6) 7676-7693 [2012-06-21; online 2012-06-21]
Affiliated researcher
Visualising individual sequence-specific protein-DNA interactions in situ.
Weibrecht I, Gavrilovic M, Lindbom L, ..., Wählby C, Söderberg O
N Biotechnol 29 (5) 589-598 [2012-06-15; online 2011-08-31]
Affiliated researcher
Validation of affinity reagents using antigen microarrays.
Sjöberg R, Sundberg M, Gundberg A, ..., Uhlén M, Nilsson P
N Biotechnol 29 (5) 555-563 [2012-06-15; online 2011-11-23]
Affiliated researcher
Two loci on chromosome 5 are associated with serum IgE levels in Labrador retrievers.
Owczarek-Lipska M, Lauber B, Molitor V, ..., Marti E, Leeb T
PLoS ONE 7 (6) e39176 [2012-06-15; online 2012-06-15]
Affiliated researcher
Classification of protein profiles from antibody microarrays using heat and detergent treatment.
Häggmark A, Neiman M, Drobin K, ..., Nilsson P, Schwenk JM
N Biotechnol 29 (5) 564-570 [2012-06-15; online 2011-10-14]
Affiliated researcher
Rethinking dog domestication by integrating genetics, archeology, and biogeography.
Larson G, Karlsson EK, Perri A, ..., Andersson L, Lindblad-Toh K
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 (23) 8878-8883 [2012-06-05; online 2012-05-21]
Affiliated researcher
Minor structural modifications to alchemix influence mechanism of action and pharmacological activity.
Abdallah QM, Phillips RM, Johansson F, ..., Patterson LH, Pors K
Biochem. Pharmacol. 83 (11) 1514-1522 [2012-06-01; online 2012-03-01]
Affiliated researcher
Collodictyon--An Ancient Lineage in the Tree of Eukaryotes
Zhao S, Burki F, Brate J, ..., Klaveness D, Shalchian-Tabrizi K
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (6) 1557-1568 [2012-06-01; online 2012-01-06]
Fabien Burki SciLifeLab Fellow
Which sequencing depth is sufficient to describe patterns in bacterial α- and β-diversity?
Lundin D, Severin I, Logue JB, ..., Andersson AF, Lindström ES
Environ Microbiol Rep 4 (3) 367-372 [2012-06-00; online 2012-04-23]
Affiliated researcher
Studies on the restriction of murine leukemia viruses by mouse APOBEC3.
Sanchez-Martinez S, Aloia AL, Harvin D, ..., Coffin JM, Rein A
PLoS ONE 7 (5) e38190 [2012-05-29; online 2012-05-29]
Affiliated researcher
De-novo transcriptome sequencing of a normalized cDNA pool from influenza infected ferrets.
Camp JV, Svensson TL, McBrayer A, ..., Liljeström P, Bruder CE
PLoS ONE 7 (5) e37104 [2012-05-11; online 2012-05-11]
Affiliated researcher
Lipid-based passivation in nanofluidics.
Persson F, Fritzsche J, Mir KU, ..., Westerlund F, Tegenfeldt JO
Nano Lett. 12 (5) 2260-2265 [2012-05-09; online 2012-04-06]
Affiliated researcher
Elucidating membrane structure and protein behavior using giant plasma membrane vesicles.
Sezgin E, Kaiser HJ, Baumgart T, ..., Simons K, Levental I
Nat Protoc 7 (6) 1042-1051 [2012-05-03; online 2012-05-03]
Erdinc Sezgin SciLifeLab Fellow
Thapsigargin down-regulates protein levels of GRP78/BiP in INS-1E cells.
Rosengren V, Johansson H, Lehtiö J, ..., Sjöholm A, Ortsäter H
J. Cell. Biochem. 113 (5) 1635-1644 [2012-05-00; online 2011-12-23]
Affiliated researcher
Primary high-risk HPV screening for cervical cancer in post-menopausal women.
Gyllensten U, Gustavsson I, Lindell M, Wilander E
Gynecol. Oncol. 125 (2) 343-345 [2012-05-00; online 2012-01-28]
Affiliated researcher
Origins of domestic dog in southern East Asia is supported by analysis of Y-chromosome DNA.
Ding ZL, Oskarsson M, Ardalan A, ..., Savolainen P, Zhang YP
Heredity (Edinb) 108 (5) 507-514 [2012-05-00; online 2011-11-23]
Affiliated researcher
Neural stem cells: brain building blocks and beyond.
Bergström T, Forsberg-Nilsson K
Ups. J. Med. Sci. 117 (2) 132-142 [2012-05-00; online 2012-04-20]
Affiliated researcher
Genetic architecture and adaptive significance of the selfing syndrome in Capsella.
Slotte T, Hazzouri KM, Stern D, Andolfatto P, Wright SI
Evolution 66 (5) 1360-1374 [2012-05-00; online 2012-03-03]
SciLifeLab Fellow Tanja Slotte
Dopamine, working memory, and training induced plasticity: implications for developmental research.
Söderqvist S, Bergman Nutley S, Peyrard-Janvid M, ..., Kere J, Klingberg T
Dev Psychol 48 (3) 836-843 [2012-05-00; online 2011-11-21]
Affiliated researcher
Origins and genetic legacy of Neolithic farmers and hunter-gatherers in Europe.
Skoglund P, Malmström H, Raghavan M, ..., Götherström A, Jakobsson M
Science 336 (6080) 466-469 [2012-04-27; online 2012-04-28]
Affiliated researcher
An image analysis toolbox for high-throughput C. elegans assays.
Wählby C, Kamentsky L, Liu ZH, ..., Ausubel FM, Carpenter AE
Nat. Methods 9 (7) 714-716 [2012-04-22; online 2012-04-22]
Affiliated researcher
The genomic basis of adaptive evolution in threespine sticklebacks.
Jones FC, Grabherr MG, Chan YF, ..., Lindblad-Toh K, Kingsley DM
Nature 484 (7392) 55-61 [2012-04-04; online 2012-04-04]
Affiliated researcher
Activated paper surfaces for the rapid hybridization of DNA through capillary transport.
Araújo AC, Song Y, Lundeberg J, Ståhl PL, Brumer H
Anal. Chem. 84 (7) 3311-3317 [2012-04-03; online 2012-03-12]
Affiliated researcher
Role of cis-12-Oxo-Phytodienoic Acid in Tomato Embryo Development
Goetz S, Hellwege A, Stenzel I, ..., Wasternack C, Hause B
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 158 (4) 1715-1727 [2012-04-01; online 2012-02-14]
Claudia Kutter SciLifeLab Fellow
Proteomic profiling of follicular and papillary thyroid tumors.
Sofiadis A, Becker S, Hellman U, ..., Lehtiö J, Larsson C
Eur. J. Endocrinol. 166 (4) 657-667 [2012-04-00; online 2012-01-24]
Affiliated researcher
Mantle cell lymphoma displays a homogenous methylation profile: a comparative analysis with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Halldórsdóttir AM, Kanduri M, Marincevic M, ..., Ehrencrona H, Rosenquist R
Am. J. Hematol. 87 (4) 361-367 [2012-04-00; online 2012-02-28]
Affiliated researcher
Manipulating the genetic code for membrane protein production: what have we learnt so far?
Nørholm MH, Light S, Virkki MT, ..., von Heijne G, Daley DO
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1818 (4) 1091-1096 [2012-04-00; online 2011-08-22]
Affiliated researcher
Chromatographic retention time prediction for posttranslationally modified peptides.
Moruz L, Staes A, Foster JM, ..., Martens L, Käll L
Proteomics 12 (8) 1151-1159 [2012-04-00; online 2012-05-12]
Affiliated researcher
Undersulfation of heparan sulfate restricts differentiation potential of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Forsberg M, Holmborn K, Kundu S, ..., Kjellén L, Forsberg-Nilsson K
J. Biol. Chem. 287 (14) 10853-10862 [2012-03-30; online 2012-02-01]
Affiliated researcher
Penetration of amphiphilic quantum dots through model and cellular plasma membranes.
Dubavik A, Sezgin E, Lesnyak V, ..., Schwille P, Eychmüller A
ACS Nano 6 (3) 2150-2156 [2012-03-27; online 2012-02-13]
Erdinc Sezgin SciLifeLab Fellow
Signaling pathways involved in the regulation of TNFα-induced toll-like receptor 2 expression in human gingival fibroblasts.
Davanian H, Båge T, Lindberg J, ..., Sällberg Chen M, Yucel-Lindberg T
Cytokine 57 (3) 406-416 [2012-03-00; online 2012-01-05]
Affiliated researcher
Narrow genetic basis for the Australian dingo confirmed through analysis of paternal ancestry.
Ardalan A, Oskarsson M, Natanaelsson C, ..., Ahmadian A, Savolainen P
Genetica 140 (1-3) 65-73 [2012-03-00; online 2012-05-23]
Affiliated researcher
Characterization of MRFAP1 turnover and interactions downstream of the NEDD8 pathway.
Larance M, Kirkwood KJ, Xirodimas DP, ..., Uhlen M, Lamond AI
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (3) M111.014407 [2012-03-00; online 2011-10-29]
Affiliated researcher
Antibody-based protein profiling of the human chromosome 21.
Uhlén M, Oksvold P, Älgenäs C, ..., Kondo T, Sivertsson Å
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (3) M111.013458 [2012-03-00; online 2011-10-31]
Affiliated researcher
Advancing cell biology through proteomics in space and time (PROSPECTS).
Lamond AI, Uhlen M, Horning S, ..., Aebersold R, Mann M
Mol. Cell Proteomics 11 (3) O112.017731 [2012-03-00; online 2012-02-06]
Affiliated researcher
The dyslexia candidate gene DYX1C1 is a potential marker of poor survival in breast cancer.
Rosin G, Hannelius U, Lindström L, ..., Hartman J, Kere J
BMC Cancer 12 (-) 79 [2012-02-29; online 2012-02-29]
Affiliated researcher
Opportunities for sensitive plasma proteome analysis.
Landegren U, Vänelid J, Hammond M, ..., Ullerås E, Kamali-Moghaddam M
Anal. Chem. 84 (4) 1824-1830 [2012-02-21; online 2012-02-01]
Affiliated researcher
Gis1 and Rph1 regulate glycerol and acetate metabolism in glucose depleted yeast cells.
Orzechowski Westholm J, Tronnersjö S, Nordberg N, ..., Komorowski J, Ronne H
PLoS ONE 7 (2) e31577 [2012-02-21; online 2012-02-21]
Affiliated researcher
DNA-assisted protein detection technologies.
Nong RY, Gu J, Darmanis S, Kamali-Moghaddam M, Landegren U
Expert Rev Proteomics 9 (1) 21-32 [2012-02-02; online 2012-02-02]
Affiliated researcher
Select microRNAs are essential for early development in the sea urchin
Song JL, Stoeckius M, Maaskola J, ..., Rajewsky N, Wessel GM
Developmental Biology 362 (1) 104-113 [2012-02-00; online 2012-02-00]
Marc Friedländer SciLifeLab Fellow
Low diversity of the gut microbiota in infants with atopic eczema.
Abrahamsson TR, Jakobsson HE, Andersson AF, ..., Engstrand L, Jenmalm MC
J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 129 (2) 434-40, 440.e1-2 [2012-02-00; online 2011-12-06]
Affiliated researcher
Human ROBO1 regulates interaural interaction in auditory pathways.
Lamminmäki S, Massinen S, Nopola-Hemmi J, Kere J, Hari R
J. Neurosci. 32 (3) 966-971 [2012-01-18; online 2012-01-21]
Affiliated researcher
Molecular recognition of a single sphingolipid species by a protein's transmembrane domain.
Contreras FX, Ernst AM, Haberkant P, ..., Wieland F, Brügger B
Nature 481 (7382) 525-529 [2012-01-09; online 2012-01-09]
Affiliated researcher
Combinations of histone modifications mark exon inclusion levels.
Enroth S, Bornelöv S, Wadelius C, Komorowski J
PLoS ONE 7 (1) e29911 [2012-01-05; online 2012-01-05]
Affiliated researcher
The Pfam protein families database.
Punta M, Coggill PC, Eberhardt RY, ..., Bateman A, Finn RD
Nucleic Acids Res. 40 (Database issue) D290-D301 [2012-01-00; online 2011-11-29]
Affiliated researcher
Role of Smads in TGFβ signaling.
Heldin CH, Moustakas A
Cell Tissue Res. 347 (1) 21-36 [2012-01-00; online 2011-06-04]
Affiliated researcher
Death of PRDM9 coincides with stabilization of the recombination landscape in the dog genome.
Axelsson E, Webster MT, Ratnakumar A, ..., Ponting CP, Lindblad-Toh K
Genome Res. 22 (1) 51-63 [2012-01-00; online 2011-10-17]
Affiliated researcher
Comparative interactomics with Funcoup 2.0.
Alexeyenko A, Schmitt T, Tjärnberg A, ..., Frings O, Sonnhammer EL
Nucleic Acids Res. 40 (Database issue) D821-D828 [2012-01-00; online 2011-11-21]
Affiliated researcher

Publications 9.5.1