Globisch D

Family name Globisch
Given name Daniel
Initials D

ORCID 0000-0002-4526-5788


48 publications

Glycation Reactivity of a Quorum-Sensing Signaling Molecule.
Tsuchikama K, Gooyit M, Harris TL, ..., Kaufmann GF, Janda KD
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 55 (12) 4002-4006 [2016-03-14; online 2016-02-17]
Daniel Globisch SciLifeLab Fellow
Flagellin as carrier and adjuvant in cocaine vaccine development.
Lockner JW, Eubanks LM, Choi JL, ..., Wilson IA, Janda KD
Mol. Pharm. 12 (2) 653-662 [2015-02-02; online 2015-01-07]
Daniel Globisch SciLifeLab Fellow
A Novel Synthetic Route for the Anti-HIV Drug MC-1220 and its Analogues
Loksha YM, Globisch D, Loddo R, ..., La Colla P, Pedersen EB
ChemMedChem 5 (11) 1847-1849 [2010-11-08; online 2010-08-16]
Daniel Globisch SciLifeLab Fellow

Publications 9.5.1