Publications 2010

67 publications

Non-toxic dry-coated nanosilver for plasmonic biosensors.
Sotiriou GA, Sannomiya T, Teleki A, ..., Vörös J, Pratsinis SE
Adv. Funct. Mater. 20 (24) 4250-4257 [2010-12-21; online 2010-12-21]
Alexandra Teleki SciLifeLab Fellow
Defining the transcriptome and proteome in three functionally different human cell lines.
Lundberg E, Fagerberg L, Klevebring D, ..., Mann M, Uhlen M
Mol Syst Biol 6 (-) 450 [2010-12-21; online 2010-12-24]
Affiliated researcher
Analysis of transcript and protein overlap in a human osteosarcoma cell line.
Klevebring D, Fagerberg L, Lundberg E, ..., Uhlén M, Lundeberg J
BMC Genomics 11 (-) 684 [2010-12-02; online 2010-12-02]
Affiliated researcher
RNAs actively cycle on the Sm-like protein Hfq.
Fender A, Elf J, Hampel K, Zimmermann B, Wagner EG
Genes Dev. 24 (23) 2621-2626 [2010-12-01; online 2010-12-03]
Affiliated researcher
A Complete Set of Nascent Transcription Rates for Yeast Genes
Pelechano V, Chávez S, Pérez-Ortín JE
PLoS ONE 5 (11) e15442 [2010-11-16; online 2010-11-16]
SciLifeLab Fellow Vicent Pelechano
A Novel Synthetic Route for the Anti-HIV Drug MC-1220 and its Analogues
Loksha YM, Globisch D, Loddo R, ..., La Colla P, Pedersen EB
ChemMedChem 5 (11) 1847-1849 [2010-11-08; online 2010-08-16]
Daniel Globisch SciLifeLab Fellow
Heat shock transcription factor 1 localizes to sex chromatin during meiotic repression.
Akerfelt M, Vihervaara A, Laiho A, ..., Sistonen L, Henriksson E
J Biol Chem 285 (45) 34469-34476 [2010-11-05; online 2010-08-27]
Anniina Vihervaara SciLifeLab Fellow
A genome-wide association study identifies new psoriasis susceptibility loci and an interaction between HLA-C and ERAP1.
Genetic Analysis of Psoriasis Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 , Strange A, Capon F, ..., Donnelly P, Trembath RC
Nat. Genet. 42 (11) 985-990 [2010-11-00; online 2010-10-17]
Affiliated researcher
Far-Field Autofluorescence Nanoscopy
Bierwagen J, Testa I, Fölling J, ..., Eggeling C, Hell SW
Nano Lett. 10 (10) 4249-4252 [2010-10-13; online 2010-10-13]
Ilaria Testa SciLifeLab Fellow
Genome analysis and comparative genomics of a Giardia intestinalis assemblage E isolate.
Jerlström-Hultqvist J, Franzén O, Ankarklev J, ..., Svärd SG, Andersson B
BMC Genomics 11 (-) 543 [2010-10-07; online 2010-10-07]
Affiliated researcher
6-thioguanine selectively kills BRCA2-defective tumors and overcomes PARP inhibitor resistance.
Issaeva N, Thomas HD, Djureinovic T, ..., Curtin NJ, Helleday T
Cancer Res. 70 (15) 6268-6276 [2010-08-01; online 2010-07-14]
Affiliated researcher
Replication-biased genome organisation in the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus.
Andersson AF, Pelve EA, Lindeberg S, ..., Nilsson P, Bernander R
BMC Genomics 11 (-) 454 [2010-07-28; online 2010-07-28]
Affiliated researcher
Dynamics of HIV-1 quasispecies during antiviral treatment dissected using ultra-deep pyrosequencing.
Hedskog C, Mild M, Jernberg J, ..., Andersson B, Albert J
PLoS ONE 5 (7) e11345 [2010-07-07; online 2010-07-07]
Affiliated researcher
Classification of DNA sequences using Bloom filters.
Stranneheim H, Käller M, Allander T, ..., Arvestad L, Lundeberg J
Bioinformatics 26 (13) 1595-1600 [2010-07-01; online 2010-05-13]
Affiliated researcher
Control of membrane protein topology by a single C-terminal residue.
Seppälä S, Slusky JS, Lloris-Garcerá P, Rapp M, von Heijne G
Science 328 (5986) 1698-1700 [2010-06-25; online 2010-05-27]
Affiliated researcher
Five-Vertebrate ChIP-seq Reveals the Evolutionary Dynamics of Transcription Factor Binding
Schmidt D, Wilson MD, Ballester B, ..., Flicek P, Odom DT
Science 328 (5981) 1036-1040 [2010-05-21; online 2010-04-08]
Claudia Kutter SciLifeLab Fellow
Structure-Based Discovery of A2A Adenosine Receptor Ligands
Carlsson J, Yoo L, Gao ZG, ..., Shoichet BK, Jacobson KA
J. Med. Chem. 53 (9) 3748-3755 [2010-05-13; online 2010-05-13]
Jens Carlsson SciLifeLab Fellow
International network of cancer genome projects.
International Cancer Genome Consortium , Hudson TJ, Anderson W, ..., Liu ET, Wainwright BJ
Nature 464 (7291) 993-998 [2010-04-15; online 2010-04-16]
Affiliated researcher
In vivo and in vitro characterization of [18F]-FE-(+)-DTBZ as a tracer for beta-cell mass.
Eriksson O, Jahan M, Johnström P, ..., Halldin C, Johansson L
Nucl. Med. Biol. 37 (3) 357-363 [2010-04-00; online 2010-01-15]
Olof Eriksson SciLifeLab Fellow
Distinct Factors Control Histone Variant H3.3 Localization at Specific Genomic Regions
Goldberg AD, Banaszynski LA, Noh KM, ..., Zheng D, Allis CD
Cell 140 (5) 678-691 [2010-03-00; online 2010-03-00]
SciLifeLab Fellow Simon Elsässer
Regulation of Translesion Synthesis DNA Polymerase η by Monoubiquitination
Bienko M, Green CM, Sabbioneda S, ..., Lehmann AR, Dikic I
Molecular Cell 37 (3) 396-407 [2010-02-00; online 2010-02-00]
Magda Bienko SciLifeLab Fellow
Structure Determination and Improved Model of Plant Photosystem I
Amunts A, Toporik H, Borovikova A, Nelson N
J. Biol. Chem. 285 (5) 3478-3486 [2010-01-29; online 2009-11-18]
Alexey Amunts SciLifeLab Fellow
Deciphering the porcine intestinal microRNA transcriptome
Sharbati S, Friedlander MR, Sharbati J, ..., Rajewsky N, Einspanier R
BMC Genomics 11 (1) 275 [2010-00-00; online 2010-00-00]
Marc Friedländer SciLifeLab Fellow

Publications 9.5.1