SciLifeLab Affiliated and Fellows Publications

The publications in this database are authored by SciLifeLab Fellows, DDLS Fellows and other researchers affiliated with SciLifeLab.

Publications resulting from research assisted by the infrastructure units of SciLifeLab are available in a separate database at

The 20 most recent publications

The business case for investing in biodiversity data
Hasan F, Nyström J, Andersson C, ..., Johansson V, Andermann T
- - (-) - [2025-02-04; online 2025-02-04]
DDLS Fellow Tobias Andermann
The Utility of Deep Learning for Modeling Seasonal Biodiversity Changes Across the Landscape
Baggström A, Goodsell R, van Dijk L, ..., Tack A, Andermann T
- - (-) - [2025-00-00; online 2025-00-00]
DDLS Fellow Tobias Andermann

Publications 9.5.1