Pascal Milesi

SciLifeLab Fellow since 2019.

Primary: Shown in the list of current labels.

Year 2024

Year 2023

Core genes driving climate adaptation in plants
Yeaman S, Whiting J, Booker T, ..., Wright S, Zhou L
- - (-) - [2023-11-10; online 2023-11-10]
Pascal Milesi SciLifeLab Fellow

Year 2022

Genomics and adaptation in forest ecosystems.
Neophytou C, Heer K, Milesi P, ..., Rellstab C, Gugerli F
Tree Genet Genomes 18 (2) 12 [2022-02-09; online 2022-02-09]
Pascal Milesi SciLifeLab Fellow

Year 2021

Year 2020

Year 2019

Year 2018

Year 2017

Evolution of Resistance to Insecticide in Disease Vectors
Labbé P, David JP, Alout H, ..., Pasteur N, Weill M
- - (-) 313-339 [2017-00-00; online 2017-00-00]
Pascal Milesi SciLifeLab Fellow

Year 2016

Relating fitness to long-term environmental variations in natura.
Milesi P, Lenormand T, Lagneau C, Weill M, Labbé P
Mol. Ecol. 25 (21) 5483-5499 [2016-11-00; online 2016-10-14]
Pascal Milesi SciLifeLab Fellow

Year 2015

Behavioral cost & overdominance in Anopheles gambiae.
Diop MM, Moiroux N, Chandre F, ..., Labbé P, Pennetier C
PLoS ONE 10 (4) e0121755 [2015-04-01; online 2015-04-01]
Pascal Milesi SciLifeLab Fellow

Year 2014

Year 2013

Publications 9.5.1