SciLifeLab Fellow since 2019.
Shown in the list of current labels.
Year 2024
Nat Commun 15 (1) 8538
[2024-10-14; online 2024-10-14]
Mol. Ecol. 33 (17) -
[2024-09-00; online 2024-08-15]
Syst. Biol. 73 (2) 392-418
[2024-07-27; online 2024-04-13]
Year 2023
Yeaman S, Whiting J, Booker T, ...,
Wright S, Zhou L
- - (-) -
[2023-11-10; online 2023-11-10]
James J, Kastally C, Budde KB, ..., Consortium G, ,
- - (-) -
[2023-10-06; online 2023-10-06]
- - (-) -
[2023-05-12; online 2023-05-12]
Olsson S, Dauphin B, Jorge V, ..., Bastien C, Alia R
- - (-) -
[2023-01-06; online 2023-01-06]
Year 2022
New Phytol. 236 (5) 1976-1987
[2022-12-00; online 2022-09-30]
New Phytol. 236 (6) 2344-2357
[2022-12-00; online 2022-09-30]
Cornille A, Tiret M, Salcedo A, ..., Wright SI, Lascoux M
AoB Plants 14 (3) plac011
[2022-06-00; online 2022-04-02]
Nat Commun 13 (1) 1333
[2022-03-14; online 2022-03-14]
Neophytou C, Heer K, Milesi P, ..., Rellstab C, Gugerli F
Year 2021
Mol. Ecol. 30 (18) 4433-4447
[2021-09-00; online 2021-08-05]
Chen ZQ, Zan Y, Milesi P, ..., Lascoux M,
Opgenoorth L, Dauphin B, Benavides R, ..., Aravanopoulos FA, Cavers S
Year 2020
Martínez-Sancho E, Slámová L, Morganti S, ..., Westin J,
Fonti P
Sci Data 7 (1) 1
[2020-01-02; online 2020-01-02]
Year 2019
Latreille AC, Milesi P, Magalon H, Mavingui P,
Atyame CM
Milesi P, Berlin M, Chen J, ..., Karlsson B, Lascoux M
Evol Appl 12 (10) 1946-1959
[2019-12-00; online 2019-08-22]
Evol Appl 12 (8) 1539-1551
[2019-09-00; online 2019-04-30]
PLoS Genet 15 (5) e1008131
[2019-05-00; online 2019-05-13]
Year 2018
Milesi P, Assogba BS, Atyame CM, ..., Weill M, Labbé P
Mol. Ecol. 27 (2) 493-507
[2018-01-00; online 2017-12-29]
Year 2017
Milesi P, Weill M, Lenormand T, Labbé P
Evol Lett 1 (3) 169-180
[2017-08-00; online 2017-07-21]
Labbé P, David JP, Alout H, ..., Pasteur N, Weill M
- - (-) 313-339
[2017-00-00; online 2017-00-00]
Year 2016
Assogba BS, Milesi P, Djogbénou LS, ..., Labbé P, Weill M
PLoS Biol. 14 (12) e2000618
[2016-12-00; online 2016-12-05]
Milesi P, Lenormand T, Lagneau C, Weill M, Labbé P
Mol. Ecol. 25 (21) 5483-5499
[2016-11-00; online 2016-10-14]
Year 2015
Assogba BS, Djogbénou LS, Milesi P, ..., Labbé P, Weill M
Sci Rep 5 (-) 14529
[2015-10-05; online 2015-10-05]
Diop MM, Moiroux N, Chandre F, ..., Labbé P, Pennetier C
PLoS ONE 10 (4) e0121755
[2015-04-01; online 2015-04-01]
Year 2014
Assogba BS, Djogbénou LS, Saizonou J, ..., Weill M, Makoutodé M
Pocquet N, Darriet F, Zumbo B, ..., Labbé P, Chandre F
Labbé P, Milesi P, Yébakima A, ..., Weill M, Lenormand T
Evolution 68 (7) 2092-2101
[2014-07-00; online 2014-03-20]
Atyame CM, Labbé P, Dumas E, ..., Fort P, Weill M
PLoS ONE 9 (1) e87336
[2014-01-31; online 2014-01-31]
Year 2013
Pocquet N, Milesi P, Makoundou P, ..., Chandre F, Labbé P
PLoS ONE 8 (10) e77855
[2013-10-21; online 2013-10-21]
Dumas E, Atyame CM, Milesi P, ..., Weill M, Duron O