Rpb1 foot mutations demonstrate a major role of Rpb4 in mRNA stability during stress situations in yeast.

Garrido-Godino AI, García-López MC, García-Martínez J, Pelechano V, Medina DA, Pérez-Ortín JE, Navarro F

Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1859 (5) 731-743 [2016-05-00; online 2016-03-18]

The RPB1 mutants in the foot region of RNA polymerase II affect the assembly of the complex by altering the correct association of both the Rpb6 and the Rpb4/7 dimer. Assembly defects alter both transcriptional activity as well as the amount of enzyme associated with genes. Here, we show that the global transcriptional analysis of foot mutants reveals the activation of an environmental stress response (ESR), which occurs at a permissive temperature under optimal growth conditions. Our data indicate that the ESR that occurs in foot mutants depends mostly on a global post-transcriptional regulation mechanism which, in turn, depends on Rpb4-mRNA imprinting. Under optimal growth conditions, we propose that Rpb4 serves as a key to globally modulate mRNA stability as well as to coordinate transcription and decay. Overall, our results imply that post-transcriptional regulation plays a major role in controlling the ESR at both the transcription and mRNA decay levels.

Affiliated researcher

SciLifeLab Fellow

Vicent Pelechano

PubMed 27001033

DOI 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2016.03.008

Crossref 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2016.03.008

pii: S1874-9399(16)30053-0

Publications 9.5.0